Chum Chum Pizzeria The Glades

Authentically made by non-Italians

We are not Italians, we’re just a group of Malaysians who really, really, love pizza. This is not to say we have any less reason to take pride in the way we pay tribute to the Italian heritage.

Although our recipe didn’t come from an Italian nonna who had hers scribbled on a crummy, musty sheet of paper, we had an enthusiastic team and a bunch of flour to play around with.

Secret of Our Pizza

We started Chum Chum because we want to make dough, and by that we don’t just mean profit, but the actual, perfect dough that we use for all of our pizzas — the one with the right amount of moisture, chewiness, thickness and airiness.

Eventually, we came up with not just one, but two ways to enjoy our pizzas—bready thick or crunchy thin. Regardless whichever you prefer, every bite you take is like giving a warm hug to your taste buds.

Which is why our mascot is a dough—it represents how we take our recipes seriously, but not ourselves. We meticulously go by the book with our dough, but when it comes to the toppings, we’re not afraid to jazz things up a little with something unexpected. Because you know, we shouldn’t taste like every other pizzeria out there.

The proof is in the proofing

Let us satisfy your cravings

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